greeting card bundle
Set Of 6 Greeting Cards

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First Love Yourself
First Love Yourself
“First Love Yourself ( F.L.Y.) When we take time each day to appreciate and truly love ourselves, we can and will spread glorious wings. Embrace your beautiful wings and FLY.
I am Peace
I am Peace
May you find peace in your heart and share that peace with others.
Dance to your own Drum
Dance to your own Drum
Dance to your our own beat and embrace all that you are as an individual. No one can do you like you do.
I am Earth Angel
I am Earth Angel
Angels hold our beautiful Earth in their hearts. Be an earth angel and look after this amazing planet we call home
I Am a Goddess
I Am a Goddess
"Every single woman on this planet is a Goddess by birthright. Embrace the glorious Goddess in your heart"
I am A Miracle
I am A Miracle
You have been given the miraculous gift of life. You are a pure miracle that has no bounds, embrace and appreciate the Miracle of you.
I am Art
I am Art
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I am Blessed
I am Blessed
May you see the beautiful blessings that are in your life and all around you, in the Earth, from the Heavens and within the very heart of you. You are loved and protected always.
I am Faith
I am Faith
The way out is within. Stand true and strong in your beautiful Faith.
I Am Dance
I Am Dance
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I am Earth
I am Earth
We walk this incredible planet and we are all a part of her beauty. We protect her, we care for her, and we love her.
I am Wind
I am Wind
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I am Enough
I am Enough
Not matter what, this very minute, you are enough, You are perfect and it’s time to embrace the incredible beauty of your heart and to say to yourself. I am Enough.
I Am Forgiveness
I Am Forgiveness
She is the key to freedom for the past. By forgiving we are not condoning the past but rather freeing ourselves from having to relive it. To release the past, Forgive it and feel so much love take up the space that once held blame.
I am Grace
I am Grace
In all moments in your life, you have a chance to show up in grace and love always. You are beautiful grace and as you step out each day, trust that the Earth reaches up to greet every beautiful graceful step you take.
I Am Grandmother
I Am Grandmother
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I am Grateful
I am Grateful
It has been said that Gratitude is one if the highest forms of receivership. When we start each day with gratitude and appreciation in our hearts we are given more things to appreciate. May this day find you in beautiful and loving gratitude.
I am Grounded
I am Grounded
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I am Growth
I am Growth
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I Am Happy
I Am Happy
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I am the colourful dreamer
I am the colourful dreamer
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I am Home
I am Home
Know that no matter where you are that is where your heart is and within your heart is your home.
I am Hope
I am Hope
We are all beautiful butterflies and no matter where you are on your journey of growth in this life, there is light and hope to become the most beautiful butterfly.
I am Infinite
I am Infinite
I am Infinite. Within you lies all Infinite possibilities to create a beautiful future.
I Am the Bow
I Am the Bow
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I am Loved
I am Loved
Know without a doubt that you are loved beyond Measure, your soul is made of love.
I am My Sacred circle
I am My Sacred circle
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I am Mother
I am Mother
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I am Music
I am Music
Within your very heart and soul lies Beautiful Music, You are Harmony, You are Music and you are Amazing Grace.
This Illustration has the Tab for the song Amazing Grace in the sheet music.I am my Inner Child
I am my Inner Child
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I am My Mothers Garden
I am My Mothers Garden
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I am Rhythm
I am Rhythm
Follow the beat of your heart, You have a unique and powerful beat to your heart and soul.
I am Rising
I am Rising
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I am the Anchor
I am the Anchor
May your anchor be that of only love. Rest in that awareness and appreciation, knowing you are anchored to the most beautiful love ever.
I am the Dreamer
I am the Dreamer
Dreams do come true, Set your sights on Dreaming big
I am the Entire Ocean in a Drop
I am the Entire Ocean in a Drop
Inspired by the quote from ‘Rumi’, ” You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire Ocean in a Drop.
I am the Harvest
I am the Harvest
May you remember that you are bountiful, you are abundance and you are the greatest gift the Earth has ever seen. Embrace give thanks for all the abundance in your heart and in your life.
I am the Light of my Soul
I am the Light of my Soul
Inspired by the song. Know you are beautiful, and within you lies the most brilliant light that shines from your very soul.
I am the Lotus
I am the Lotus
A lotus flower grows through Muck, to reach the surface and greet the sun each day. You are a beautiful Lotus flower.
I am the Pheonix
I am the Pheonix
Life gives us fire so we can rise to become the Phoenix from the flames.
I am the Soul of a Gypsy
I am the Soul of a Gypsy
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I am Transforming
I am Transforming
I am Transforming. No Matter what you are growing through, you are changing and transforming to have the most beautiful Wings.
I am Warrior
I am Warrior
Embrace the brave within your heart and soul. You are a warrior, you are strong, you are brave and you are free.
I Am Water
I Am Water
Water can flow around any obstacle in its path. Since your body is made up of so much beautiful water, allow yourself to go with the flow, with the strength, gentleness of who you are and what you are made of.
I am Wise
I am Wise
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Love one Another
Love one Another
It is time, to love every part of our beautiful earth. Love truly is the answer and this Earth needs our love more then anything right now.
The Comforter
The Comforter
You are safe under a blanket of love and you are comforted and cherished always.
The Healer
The Healer
Within you is the ability to heal yourself and those around you. Love can heal all things. You are the healer.
The Hug
The Hug
You deserve a loving hug. Wrap our arms around yourself and give yourself a beautiful hug. You are safe and you are wrapped in Love.
I am the Peaceful Warrior
I am the Peaceful Warrior
I am the Peaceful Warrior, You are a peaceful Warrior.
The Rose
The Rose
Inspired by the beautiful song “The Rose” by Bette Midler. No matter how hard your winter, please hold in your heart, that you are a beautiful Rose.
The Spirit Guide
The Spirit Guide
The Spirit Guide, There is a beautiful spirit within you, guiding you to follow your heart.
I am not Alone
I am not Alone
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I am a gift
I am a gift
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I am an Angel
I am an Angel
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I am Beautiful
I am Beautiful
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I am a Vessel
I am a Vessel
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I am Prayer
I am Prayer
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I am Purity
I am Purity
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I am the Song
I am the Song
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I am the story
I am the story
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I am well-being
I am well-being
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I am Allowing
I am Allowing
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I am Dancing with the Universe
I am Dancing with the Universe
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I am safe
I am safe
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I am Stardust
I am Stardust
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I Carry your Heart
I Carry your Heart
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